How to Delete a Facebook Story? A Step By Step Guide to Remove a Story In 2024

Are you looking for a way to delete a Facebook Story? In this blog, we’ll guide you through the steps how to delete a facebook Story, whether it’s on your profile, business page, or a shared group. This guide will cover various scenarios, providing you with clear instructions to ensure your Story is deleted promptly and effectively.

How to Delete a Facebook Story
How to Delete a Facebook Story

How to Delete a Facebook Story on Your Profile?

Deleting a Story from your Facebook profile is a straightforward process, but it requires knowing exactly where to find your active Story. Start by opening the Facebook app and navigating to your profile.

From there, locate the active Story by tapping on your profile picture. Once the Story opens, look for the three dots in the top-right corner, which will provide you with options. Select the “Delete” option, and confirm your choice to remove the Story from your profile.

By following these steps, your Story will be permanently removed, ensuring it no longer appears to your friends or followers.

How to Remove a Facebook Story from a Business Page?

If you manage a Facebook business page, you might want to delete a Story that no longer fits your brand’s image or messaging. To do this, log in to your business page through the Facebook app or desktop site.

Navigate to the Story section of your page and find the Story you wish to delete. Once you have located it, click on the three dots in the upper-right corner and select “Delete.” Confirm the action to remove the Story from your business page.

This process ensures that any outdated or inappropriate content is removed from public view.

How to Delete a Facebook Story in a Group?

Facebook Stories shared in groups can be deleted similarly to those on personal profiles or business pages. To delete a Story from a group, access the group via the Facebook app or website.

Once inside the group, locate the Story by tapping on the group’s profile picture. Open the Story, and then click on the three dots in the top-right corner. Select “Delete” and confirm your choice to remove the Story from the group.

This will ensure that the Story is no longer visible to group members.

Steps to Delete an Archived Facebook Story.

Sometimes, you might want to delete a Story that has already been archived. To do this, go to your Facebook profile and click on the three lines at the bottom right of the app. Navigate to the “Settings & Privacy” section and select “Activity Log.”

In the Activity Log, choose “Archive” and then “Story Archive.” From here, find the Story you want to delete, tap on it, and select “Delete.” Confirm your decision to permanently remove the Story from your archive.

This process helps keep your archived content relevant and up-to-date.

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How to Delete a Facebook Story Before It Expires?

If you change your mind about a Story you’ve posted and want to delete it before it automatically expires, follow these steps. Open the Facebook app and navigate to your profile, where you can view your active Story.

Tap on the Story, and click on the three dots in the top-right corner. Select “Delete,” and confirm to remove the Story immediately, without waiting for the 24-hour expiration period.

This allows you to maintain control over the content that appears on your profile.

delete facebook story

How to Delete a Facebook Story from Messenger?

Facebook Stories can also be managed through Messenger. To delete a Story from Messenger, open the Messenger app and tap on your profile picture to view your active Story.

Tap on the Story and look for the three dots in the upper-right corner. Select “Delete,” and confirm your choice to remove the Story from Messenger.

This method ensures that your Story is removed across all Facebook platforms, including Messenger.

How to Delete a Facebook Story on a Desktop?

Deleting a Facebook Story on a desktop is slightly different from the mobile process. First, log in to your Facebook account on a desktop browser.

Navigate to your profile and locate your active Story. Click on the Story to open it, then find the three dots in the top-right corner. Select “Delete,” and confirm to remove the Story.

Using a desktop browser allows for a more comprehensive view of your content, making it easier to manage and delete Stories.

How to Delete a Facebook Story with Multiple Photos or Videos?

If your Facebook Story consists of multiple photos or videos, you may want to delete the entire Story rather than individual elements. Open the Facebook app and navigate to your profile.

Tap on your profile picture to view the Story, then click on the three dots in the top-right corner. Select “Delete,” and confirm your decision to remove the entire Story, including all photos and videos.

This process helps you manage content effectively, especially when dealing with longer Stories.

How to Delete a Facebook Story from the Activity Log?

The Activity Log on Facebook is a powerful tool for managing your posts and Stories. To delete a Story using the Activity Log, open the Facebook app and navigate to the “Settings & Privacy” section.

Select “Activity Log,” and then choose “Stories Activity.” Locate the Story you want to delete, tap on it, and select “Delete.” Confirm your choice to remove the Story from your activity log.

This method ensures that your content is managed comprehensively, giving you full control over what remains on your profile.

How to Delete a Facebook Story from the News Feed?

If a Story you posted is showing up in your News Feed and you want to delete it, follow these steps. Open the Facebook app and navigate to the News Feed section.

Find your Story in the feed, tap on it, and click on the three dots in the upper-right corner. Select “Delete,” and confirm your action to remove the Story from both your News Feed and your profile.

This ensures that your Story no longer appears to others who view your News Feed.


Deleting a Facebook Story is a simple process that can be done from various platforms, whether on your profile, business page, group or even from the activity log. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily manage and remove Stories that you no longer wish to display.


1: Can I recover a Facebook Story after deleting it?

Once a Facebook Story is deleted, it cannot be recovered. If you delete a Story by mistake, you’ll need to re-upload the content if you still have it available.

2: Will my Facebook friends be notified if I delete a Story?

No, your Facebook friends will not receive a notification if you delete a Story. However, the Story will immediately be removed from their view.

3: Can I delete a Facebook Story on both mobile and desktop?

Yes, you can delete a Facebook Story on both mobile and desktop platforms. The steps are slightly different, but both methods allow you to remove your Story easily.

4: How do I know if my Facebook Story has been deleted?

After you delete a Facebook Story, it will no longer appear in your profile, business page, group, or any other platform where it was shared. You can also check your Story archive to ensure it’s no longer listed.

5: Can I delete just one part of a multi-photo Facebook Story?

Yes, you can delete individual photos or videos from a multi-photo Story. However, if you prefer, you can also delete the entire Story by following the steps mentioned earlier in this guide.

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