How to Create a Poll on Instagram: A Comprehensive Guide In 2024

In this blog, you’ll learn how to create a poll on Instagram to engage with your followers and gather their opinions. Instagram polls are a fun and interactive way to get instant feedback, boost engagement, and even enhance your content strategy.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to set up a poll, from basic steps to advanced tips. Whether you’re a casual user or a business, this post will help you create effective Instagram poll.

how to create a poll on Instagram
how to create a poll on Instagram

How to Create a Poll on Instagram on Your Story?

Creating a poll on your Instagram Story is a simple and effective way to engage with your audience. To begin, open the Instagram app and swipe right to access the Story section. Then, either take a photo, video or upload one from your gallery as the background for your poll.

Once you have your background, tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen, and scroll through the options until you find the “Poll” sticker. Tap it, and you’ll see two blank options where you can add your question and provide two possible answers for your followers to choose from.

After customizing your poll, position it on your Story however you like. You can resize and move the poll sticker to fit your background perfectly. When everything looks good, tap the “Your Story” button at the bottom to share it with your followers. Now, your Instagram poll is live, and your followers can start voting immediately.

List of Steps to Create an Instagram Poll:

  • Open Instagram and access the Story section.
  • Take or upload a background image.
  • Tap the sticker icon and select the “Poll” option.
  • Write your poll questions and answers.
  • Adjust and share the poll on your Story.

Best Practices for Writing Engaging Instagram Poll Questions.

Creating a poll on instagram is simple, but writing an engaging poll question requires some thought. Your question should be easy to understand and relevant to your audience. A clear and concise question ensures that more people will participate, which can increase overall engagement on your profile.

When crafting your poll question, consider the interests of your followers. If your account is centered around a niche, like fitness or fashion, create questions that align with these themes. Also, ask questions that encourage interaction, such as “Do you prefer morning or evening workouts?” instead of “Do you work out?” The more relatable and specific the question, the higher the engagement.

Finally, keep your answers straightforward. Offering two clear, simple options will make it easier for users to engage with the poll. This is especially important because Instagram polls only allow two responses.

Table: Sample Poll Questions

  • Poll Question Answers
  • Do you prefer online or in-store shopping? Online, In-store
  • What’s your favorite workout time? Morning, Evening
  • Which coffee do you like more? Espresso, Cappuccino

How to Use Instagram Poll Results to Boost Engagement?

Instagram polls don’t just give you insights into your audience’s preferences—they also provide a unique way to boost engagement. Once your poll is live, it collects real-time votes, and you can monitor how your followers respond.

To keep the momentum going after the poll ends, you can share the results in your Stories or feed. Let your followers know the final tally and what you learned from the poll. You can even ask for further engagement by posing follow-up questions or offering to create content based on their answers.

Engagement isn’t limited to the time the poll is active. You can use the insights gathered to tailor future content, making your profile more relevant and appealing to your audience. For example, if you run a poll asking which product your followers prefer, you can create a post showcasing the winning item or offer a special deal.

How to Customize Instagram Polls for Maximum Impact?

While the default Instagram poll option offers only two answer choices, there are creative ways to make your polls more engaging. You can use color themes, stickers, and even GIFs to match your poll to the overall aesthetic of your Story or brand.

Additionally, consider using emojis in your poll responses. Emojis add a playful element that may encourage more users to interact. For example, instead of just using “yes” and “no” answers, try using thumbs-up and thumbs-down emojis to make the poll more visually appealing.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different backgrounds and media formats, such as videos or boomerangs. A dynamic Story background may catch more attention and result in a higher participation rate.

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How to Create Polls in Instagram Direct Messages?

Instagram polls aren’t limited to just Stories. You can also create polls in group chats through Instagram Direct Messages. This feature is particularly useful for teams, groups of friends, or any scenario where you need quick opinions in a smaller, more private setting.

To create a poll in Instagram Direct, start by opening the group chat where you want to ask the question. Tap the sticker icon next to the message bar, and select the “Poll” option from the list. Just like in Stories, you can write your question and provide two response options.

Once you send the poll, the group members will be able to vote directly in the chat. This is a great way to make decisions within a group, like deciding on a meeting time or a group activity.

Create instagram poll

How to Track and Analyze Poll Responses on Instagram?

After your poll has been live for some time, it’s essential to check the responses to see how your audience has engaged. Instagram provides easy-to-use analytics to help you view how many votes each option received and who participated.

To view poll results, simply go back to your Story and swipe up. You’ll see a breakdown of how many people voted and which options they chose. This can give you valuable insight into your audience’s preferences, which you can use to adjust your content strategy.

For businesses, these results can be particularly useful for understanding customer behavior. You can take this data and apply it to future marketing campaigns, product releases, or content planning.


Creating an Instagram poll is a straightforward yet powerful tool for engaging with your audience. By using polls, you can gather valuable insights, encourage interaction, and even tailor your content to fit your followers’ preferences. Whether you’re a casual user or a business, polls are a great way to keep your Instagram presence interactive and dynamic.


1: How do I create a poll on Instagram Stories?

To create a poll, go to your Instagram Story, add a photo or video, and tap the sticker icon. Select the “Poll” sticker, enter your question and options, and post it to your Story.

2: Can I create polls with more than two options on Instagram?

No, Instagram polls only allow two answer choices. However, you can get creative with your questions or run multiple polls for additional options.

3: How can I see who voted in my Instagram poll?

You can view poll results by going back to your Story and swiping up. This will show you how many people voted and which option they selected.

4: Can I delete a poll after posting it?

Yes, you can delete a poll by deleting the Story it was posted on. To do this, go to the Story, tap the three dots, and choose the delete option.

5: What happens to the poll results after the Story expires?

Once your Story expires after 24 hours, the poll and its results will no longer be visible to your followers. However, you can save the Story to your highlights to keep the poll and results accessible.

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