How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently In 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Looking how to delete Instagram account permanently? This blog will guide you through the entire process, ensuring you can remove your account permanently without any hassle. Whether you want to take a break from social media or step away from Instagram for good, this detailed guide provides easy-to-follow instructions, lists, and answers to commonly asked questions about the deletion process.

How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently
How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently

How to Prepare Before Deleting Your Instagram Account?

Before permanently deleting your Instagram account, there are several things to consider. If you have important photos, messages, or connections, it’s important to back them up. Here are the steps to follow before deleting your account:

  • Download Your Instagram Data: Instagram offers a data download feature where you can request all your photos, comments, and messages.
  • Inform Your Followers: If necessary, update your followers about your decision.
  • Review Alternative Options: You may want to consider deactivating your account instead of permanent deletion.

Backing up your data is crucial, as you cannot retrieve it once your account is deleted. Ensure that you take time to export all-important content.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently.

Deleting your Instagram account permanently is a straightforward process, but it requires a few specific steps. Here’s how to do it:

  • Log in to Instagram via a Web Browser: You can’t delete your account through the app.
  • Access the Delete Account Page: Navigate to Instagram’s Delete Account page.
  • Select a Reason for Deletion: Instagram will ask you to choose a reason for leaving.
  • Re-enter Your Password and Confirm: Finalize the deletion by entering your password and confirming.

Once you confirm, your account and all associated data will be deleted permanently.

What Happens When You Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account?

Understanding the consequences of permanently deleting your account is essential. Here’s what happens:

  • Loss of Photos and Videos: All media files you’ve posted will be permanently removed.
  • Deletion of Followers: You will lose all your followers, and they won’t be able to find your account.
  • Account Name Becomes Available: Once deleted, your username may become available for others to use.

In summary, deleting your account means complete and irreversible loss of all data.

How to Recover Your Instagram Data Before Deleting Your Account?

If you’ve decided to delete your account, recovering and backing up data is essential. Instagram allows you to download all of your data before deletion. Here’s how to do it:

  • Navigate to Account Settings: Go to Instagram’s settings on the web.
  • Request Download of Data: Select the “Download Data” option.
  • Wait for Instagram to Send the File: Instagram will email you a file containing all your information.

This step ensures you have copies of your media, comments, and other interactions.

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Alternatives to Deleting Your Instagram Account.

If you’re unsure about permanently deleting your Instagram account, there are alternatives:

  • Deactivate Your Account: This is a temporary solution and allows you to reactivate your account later.
  • Change Your Privacy Settings: You can switch to a private profile or restrict who sees your content.
  • Take a Break from Social Media: Temporarily stepping away might help without having to permanently delete your account.

Considering these options might save you from making a permanent decision.

Delete Instagram Account Permanently

Common Issues Faced When Deleting an Instagram Account.

Some users experience issues when trying to delete their Instagram account. Here’s a list of common problems and how to solve them:

  • Unable to Find Delete Option: You must be logged in via a web browser to access the delete option.
  • Forgot Password: Use Instagram’s password recovery option to regain access.
  • Not Receiving Email Confirmation: Double-check your spam or junk folder for emails from Instagram.

Ensuring you have all the necessary login details will help avoid these issues.

Can You Reverse the Deletion of an Instagram Account?

Once your Instagram account is permanently deleted, there’s no way to reverse it. Here’s what you need to know:

  • No Option to Recover Deleted Account: Instagram makes it clear that this is an irreversible action.
  • What Happens After 30 Days: Instagram gives a 30-day grace period before permanently removing the account from its servers.
  • Alternative Accounts: If needed, you can always create a new Instagram account, but your old data will not be restored.

It’s crucial to be sure before deleting your account permanently.

How Long Does It Take for Instagram to Delete an Account?

Instagram doesn’t delete your account instantly. Here’s the timeline of how long it takes:

  • 30-day Waiting Period: Instagram will keep your account in a deactivated state for 30 days.
  • Complete Deletion After 30 Days: After 30 days, your account will be permanently deleted, and there’s no way to retrieve it.

This waiting period allows users to change their minds if they decide to come back to the platform.

What to Do if You Change Your Mind After Requesting Deletion?

If you change your mind after initiating the deletion, here’s what you can do:

  • Log Back Into Your Account: As long as it’s within 30 days, you can log in to cancel the deletion.
  • Email Instagram Support: In some cases, Instagram support may assist with stopping the deletion.
  • Create a Backup Account: If you plan to delete, but still want access to Instagram, creating a backup account can help you stay connected.

Act quickly if you reconsider, as the 30-day grace period is final.


In conclusion, permanently deleting your Instagram account is a serious decision that results in the loss of all data, followers, and media. Before proceeding, consider backing up your data or exploring alternatives such as deactivation. Ensure you follow the correct steps for a smooth process.


1: Can I recover my account after deleting it permanently?

No, once you delete your Instagram account permanently, there’s no way to recover it. You can, however, download your data before deletion for safekeeping.

2: How long does Instagram take to permanently delete an account?

It takes 30 days for Instagram to permanently delete your account after initiating the request. During this time, your account remains deactivated.

3: Can I delete my Instagram account through the app?

No, you must log into Instagram via a web browser to permanently delete your account. The mobile app does not support this action.

4: What happens if I don’t log in during the 30-day waiting period?

If you don’t log into your Instagram account within 30 days after initiating the deletion, your account will be permanently deleted, and you won’t be able to recover it.

5: Is there a difference between deactivating and deleting an Instagram account?

Yes, deactivating your account is temporary, and you can reactivate it anytime by logging back in. Deleting your account is permanent and cannot be undone.

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