How to Create Categories on Discord: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog, we will explore how to create categories on Discord to better organize your server and improve user experience. Whether you’re managing a large community or just a small group of friends, understanding how to use categories effectively will help you keep your server tidy and accessible. This guide will cover all the essential steps and tips you need to create and manage categories on Discord successfully.

How to Create Categories on Discord: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Access Server Settings for Category Creation?

To start creating categories on Discord, you’ll first need to access the server settings. This is where all the customization options for your server are located. Knowing how to navigate these settings is the first step in organizing your server effectively.

Start by clicking on the server name located at the top-left of the Discord window. A drop-down menu will appear, from which you should select “Server Settings.” This will open a new window with various options, including the ability to create categories.

Accessing the server settings is crucial because it allows you to make changes that will impact how your server is structured. From here, you’ll be able to add, delete, or modify categories and channels as needed. Understanding how to navigate these settings will make the process of creating categories smoother and more efficient.

It’s also important to note that only server admins and those with the appropriate permissions can access these settings. If you’re unable to find the “Server Settings” option, you may need to request the necessary permissions from the server owner.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Category on Discord

Creating a category on Discord is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to follow the steps carefully to ensure everything is set up correctly.

First, access your server’s main page and locate the “+” icon next to your channel list. Clicking this icon will give you the option to create either a text or voice channel. However, instead of selecting a channel type, look for the option that says “Create Category.”

After selecting “Create Category,” you’ll be prompted to name your new category. Choose a name that reflects the type of channels you plan to include within it. This will help members easily find the content they are looking for.

Once you’ve named your category, you can add channels to it by dragging and dropping them from your existing list or creating new channels directly within the category. This method helps keep your server organized by grouping related channels together.

Finally, you can manage permissions for each category separately, allowing you to control who can access specific channels within it. This is particularly useful for servers with a large number of members, where certain areas may need to be restricted to certain roles.

How to Organize Channels Within a Category for Better Server Management

Organizing your channels within categories is essential for effective server management. It allows users to find what they need quickly and ensures that your server runs smoothly.

Start by thinking about how you want to categorize your channels. For example, you could group all text channels related to gaming under a “Gaming” category, while voice channels related to meetings can be placed under a “Meetings” category.

Once you’ve created the appropriate categories, you can begin moving channels into them. This is done by simply dragging and dropping each channel into the desired category. Make sure to keep the most frequently used channels at the top of the list within each category for easier access.

You can also rename channels to make them more descriptive or relevant to their category. This further enhances the organization and makes it easier for users to navigate the server.

In addition to organizing channels, you can manage permissions at the category level. This means you can set rules that apply to all channels within a category, saving you time and ensuring consistency across your server.

Understanding Permissions for Categories on Discord

Permissions play a vital role in managing categories on Discord, as they determine who can access, modify, or view the channels within a category. Properly setting up permissions can help maintain order and security in your server.

When you create a new category, you’ll have the option to customize permissions for that category. You can set permissions for different roles or individual members, allowing or restricting their ability to send messages, connect to voice channels, or even view the category itself.

It’s essential to understand that permissions set at the category level will apply to all channels within that category unless overridden. This means that any specific permissions you apply to a category will automatically be inherited by its channels, streamlining the management process.

For example, if you want only moderators to access a particular category, you can set the category permissions accordingly. This will prevent regular members from viewing or interacting with the channels in that category.

To adjust permissions, right-click on the category name and select “Edit Category.” From here, navigate to the “Permissions” tab, where you can customize settings for different roles and members.

How to Rename and Delete Categories on Discord

Renaming and deleting categories on Discord are essential tasks for maintaining an organized server. Whether you want to update the category name to better reflect its contents or remove it entirely, knowing how to perform these actions is crucial.

To rename a category, right-click on the category name and select “Edit Category.” Here, you can change the name to something more relevant or easier for your members to understand. Once you’ve made the changes, click “Save” to update the category name.

Deleting a category is also simple. Right-click on the category you wish to remove and select “Delete Category.” Keep in mind that deleting a category will also remove all channels within it, so be sure to move any important channels before proceeding.

It’s a good practice to periodically review your categories to ensure they still meet the needs of your server. If you find that certain categories are no longer necessary, don’t hesitate to rename or delete them to keep your server streamlined and easy to navigate.

Tips for Naming Categories Effectively on Discord

The names you choose for your categories can significantly impact how easily members navigate your server. Clear, concise, and descriptive names help users find the information or channels they need quickly.

When naming a category, consider the overall theme or purpose of the channels within it. For example, if you have multiple channels related to events, you might name the category “Events.” This makes it immediately clear what type of content can be found in that section.

Avoid using overly complex or vague names, as these can confuse members. Instead, opt for straightforward names that everyone can understand. You can also use emojis to make category names more visually appealing, but be careful not to overdo it.

Another tip is to keep the length of the category name in mind. Long names can be cut off, especially on mobile devices, so aim for shorter names that still convey the necessary information.

Finally, periodically review and update category names as your server evolves. What made sense when you first created the server might not be as relevant down the line, so don’t be afraid to make changes as needed.

How to Add Channels to a Category on Discord

Adding channels to a category on Discord is an easy process that can help keep your server organized. Whether you’re adding new channels or moving existing ones, grouping them into categories ensures they are easy to find and manage.

To add a new channel to a category, start by clicking the “+” icon next to the category name. This will open a window where you can choose to create either a text or voice channel. After selecting the channel type, you can name it and customize any other settings before clicking “Create Channel.”

If you want to move an existing channel into a category, simply drag and drop it from its current location into the desired category. This action will automatically group the channel under the category, making it easier for members to find related channels.

It’s important to regularly review your channels and ensure they are correctly categorized. This not only helps with server management but also improves the user experience by making it easier for members to navigate your server.

Using Emojis and Symbols to Enhance Category Names on Discord

Emojis and symbols can add a touch of creativity to your Discord server, making it more visually appealing and easier to navigate. When used correctly, they can help draw attention to specific categories and make your server stand out.

To add an emoji or symbol to a category name, right-click on the category and select “Edit Category.” In the name field, you can type or paste an emoji directly before or after the category name. This small addition can make a big difference in how your server looks and feels.

For example, if you have a category dedicated to announcements, you might add a megaphone emoji to emphasize its importance. Similarly, a gaming category could benefit from a controller or joystick emoji to make it instantly recognizable.

However, it’s important to use emojis and symbols sparingly. Overloading your category names with too many can make them difficult to read and understand. Aim for a balance between creativity and clarity to keep your server professional and easy to navigate.

How to Manage Category Permissions to Improve Server Security

Managing category permissions is crucial for maintaining security and order on your Discord server. Properly set permissions can prevent unauthorized access and ensure that only the right people can view or interact with certain channels.

Start by accessing the category settings and navigating to the “Permissions” tab. Here, you can customize who can view, send messages, connect to voice channels, and more. Permissions can be set for specific roles or individual members, allowing you to tailor access as needed.

For example, you might have a private category for server staff that regular members shouldn’t access. By adjusting the permissions, you can ensure that only staff members can view and interact with channels in that category.

In addition to restricting access, you can also grant specific permissions to different roles. This could include allowing certain members to moderate channels, post announcements, or manage the category itself.

Best Practices for Organizing Discord Categories

Organizing your Discord categories effectively is key to creating a server that is easy to navigate and enjoyable for your members. A well-organized server enhances user experience and makes it easier for everyone to find the information they need.

Start by thinking about the different types of content your server will include. For example, you might have categories for general chat, gaming, voice channels, and announcements. Grouping similar channels together in these categories keeps everything tidy and easy to access.

Consider the order in which your categories appear on the server. Placing the most important or frequently used categories at the top of the list ensures they are seen first by members.

You should also periodically review your categories and channels to ensure they are still relevant. As your server grows and evolves, you may find that certain categories become redundant or new ones are needed. Don’t hesitate to make changes to keep your server well-organized.

Finally, always keep your members in mind when organizing your categories. A server that is easy to navigate is more likely to keep members engaged and coming back.


In conclusion, learning how to create categories on Discord is essential for organizing your server effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your server is well-structured, easy to navigate, and enjoyable for all members. Whether you’re managing a large community or a small group of friends, properly utilizing categories will greatly enhance your server management experience.


Can I move multiple channels into a category at once?

Yes, you can move multiple channels into a category at once by dragging and dropping them one by one. However, there is no bulk move option, so each channel must be moved individually.

Can I hide a category from certain members?

Yes, you can hide a category from certain members by adjusting the permissions. By setting specific permissions, you can restrict who can view or interact with the channels within that category.

How do I delete a category without losing its channels?

To delete a category without losing its channels, first, move the channels to another category or to the main channel list. Once all channels have been moved, you can delete the empty category.

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