How to Fix “Instagram Reels Not Scrolling?” (Simple Solutions)

Instagram Reels Not Scrolling

As the use of social media is on the rise in today’s era, Instagram is one of the best entertainment sources. Apart from this, Instagram reels are a popular feature that has made it easy for users to create short videos and share them on social media.

So, are you having trouble with Reels on Instagram? Why are your Instagram Reels Not Scrolling, and this thing is bothering you? So you don’t need to worry because it is due to an internet error or you haven’t updated your Instagram.

So you don’t have to worry, but you have to stay connected with this article of ours till the end because, in this article of today, you will be told in detail what could be the reasons for this. And also in this article you will also be informed about its solution. So stay tuned till the end of our article to get rid of this problem.

Why Can’t I Scroll on Instagram Reels?

Are you not able to scroll through the videos on your Instagram, and you are worried about what could be the reason? Therefore, there may be various reasons, which are as follows.

1. Poor Internet Connection

If you cannot scroll the Instagram feed, it can be due to an internet problem; because of the internet’s low speed, the Instagram reels often do not work.

Therefore you should not worry about this and it’s incredibly frustrating when you’re eager to browse and enjoy the content. you must make sure that the internet connection is strong.

Instagram Reels Not Scrolling

2. Instagram Server Issues

Most of the time the Instagram servers may face downtime or problems due to which Instagram reels don’t play so you don’t need to be worried.

In this situation wait for some time and wait for the server to be fine and the Instagram reels start running.

Therefore, if the internet connection is fine on your side and you are still facing this problem then the reason may be that the server is down so in this case wait for the server to be fixed.

3. Cache Problem

If you are facing various problems on your Instagram which may include that the Instagram reels are not playing then one of the reasons may be that the cache on your Instagram app is causing the problem.

If this is the case then you should clear your Instagram app’s cache; just go to your Android settings and select Instagram; after selecting Instagram go to the info section and click on the clear cache option; and when you clear it you will get rid of this problem.

Instagram Reels Not Scrolling

4. Outdated App Version 

As the latest versions of not only Instagram but all social media apps are coming, in such a case, you just have to update your app.

If you are having trouble playing reels on your Instagram? one of the reasons may be that you may not have the latest version of Instagram so in this regard you must keep updated with the latest version of the app and then this problem will be over.

Instagram Reels Not Scrolling

5. Insufficient Storage Space

Are you having trouble with reels not playing on Instagram? Even if the internet connection is excellent on your side and you are using the latest version of Instagram then keep it in mind that one of the reasons may be that the storage in your device is low.

It often happens that the apps are affected due to the lack of storage in the device and it does not work correctly; So in that case ensure the storage of your device.

Instagram Reels Not Scrolling

Troubleshooting Instagram Reels Not Scrolling Problems

As Instagram is one of the best entertainment apps that is on the rise nowadays and if there is any kind of problem with it, then it becomes a cause of trouble.

So, if you are facing a problem regarding the reels on your Instagram, then you need to solve it. Now, You can quickly eliminate this problem by following the methods listed below.

1. Check Internet Connection

If your Instagram is having problems due to the internet failure then you should check the internet connection in your Android and ensure that the internet failure does not disturb your entertainment.

2. Update Instagram to the Latest Version

If Instagram is not running correctly then it is not a big problem; if you are facing continuous problems or the reels are not running on Instagram then you don’t need to be worried about this.

It is because you need to start using the latest version, so if you are facing such problems, update your Instagram and ensure you have the latest version.

3. Clear Cached Data for Instagram

If the reason for the error in Instagram is Cached Data, then there is no need to worry about it; for that, go to your settings, clear Cached Data, and get entertainment from Instagram reels.

4. Ensure Adequate Device Storage

Suppose your Instagram is not working correctly because your mobile storage is full. In that case, you should ensure your portable storage by deleting useless things from your mobile So that you don’t face any problems during entertainment.

ALSO READ: What Is the Dotted Circle on Instagram DM?

5. Restart the Instagram App or Device

If your Instagram is not working correctly and there is no internet issue, etc., you need not worry. For this, you must restart your mobile, and your problem will be solved.


There can be different reasons for this it may be caused by a poor internet connection or server problem or it may also be due to a problem with your device.

Yes, there can be regional restrictions on certain features so, verify your app settings or contact Instagram support to see if the reels are not available in your region.

Yes, the latest version is necessary for reels to work correctly because an outdated version can cause problems in the Instagram app.

No, it is not possible because it will cause problems to play Instagram reel due to poor internet connection.


In conclusion, Instagram reels not scrolling can be due to poor internet connection, server problems, outdated app versions, cache issues, and insufficient device storage. Now, if you find playing Instagram reels difficult, follow the steps mentioned in this article.

Besides these, keep updated with the latest version of Instagram and ensure a stable internet connection. Besides all these, maintaining your device storage is the key to enjoying uninterrupted entertainment on the platform.

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