Privacy Policy

At, we hold the privacy of our visitors in the highest regard. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information collected, how it’s used, and how we protect your data.


Welcome to SocGuider and its affiliates, referred to as “us,” “we,” or “SocGuider.” Upholding trust is integral to our mission. We are dedicated to building and maintaining trust by adhering to fundamental privacy principles.

Scope of Policy:

This Privacy Policy applies to information collected by SocGuider. It’s essential to review this Policy along with our Terms of Use, governing your usage of SocGuider services. By using any of our services, you acknowledge the data collection practices detailed in this Policy.

Changes to Policy:

The SocGuider Privacy Policy has been updated to enhance clarity and introduce new user rights. Kindly review the updated Policy before utilizing SocGuider services, acknowledging its terms.

Types of Information We Collect:

When using SocGuider, we gather various information falling into three primary categories:

  1. Information You Provide: This includes registration details, information posted on SocGuider, correspondence, and offline information.
  2. Automatically Collected Information: Through cookies and other tracking technologies, we collect data associated with your device, log files, and embedded content.
  3. Information Obtained from Other Sources: SocGuider gathers information from publicly available databases, third parties, and interactive applications.

How We Use Collected Information:

We utilize collected information to:

  • Enable SocGuider services, personalize user experience, and provide content recommendations.
  • Measure audience engagement and track the performance of advertising campaigns.

Sharing Your Information:

We may share information collected about you within SocGuider services, with regulators, courts, law enforcement, authorized service providers, audience measurement services, and for video viewing behavior analysis.

Managing Your Information and Privacy Choices:

You have certain rights over your data, including options to review and update registration information, opt out of emails or text messages, and deactivate web push notifications. Additionally, you can request access to your data and request data erasure.

Security Measures:

SocGuider implements technical, administrative, and physical measures to safeguard your information, though no data transmission or storage can be entirely secure.

Privacy Protection for Children:

We encourage parental involvement in children’s online activities and do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13.

Third-Party Websites and Services:

SocGuider services may contain links to third-party websites whose privacy practices we do not control. We recommend reviewing their privacy policies. Our privacy policy does not apply to these third-party websites.

Cookies and Online Tracking:

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and analyze site traffic. Third-party vendors, including Google, may use cookies to serve ads based on user browsing activity.

Contact Us:

For any inquiries or concerns regarding your data or this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us through our contact page.